Drywall cracks, whether on walls or ceilings, are a common woe for homeowners. These imperfections can result from various factors such as settling, temperature fluctuations, humidity, and sometimes, inadequate installation. Before we explore the remedies, understanding the root causes is essential to effectively address and prevent these cracks.

Fixing Drywall Cracks - Step by Step Guide:

Gathering Your Tools: The first step in addressing drywall cracks is ensuring you have the right tools on hand. Gather joint compound, mesh or paper tape, a putty knife, sandpaper (medium and fine grit), primer, and paint. These tools will help you navigate the repair process smoothly.

Preparing the Area: Clear the area around the crack of loose or chipped paint. A clean surface ensures better adhesion for the repair materials. Cover the surroundings with a drop cloth or plastic sheeting to catch any dust or debris that might be generated during the repair.

Dealing with Larger Cracks: For larger cracks, exceeding 1/8 inch in width, reinforce the repair using mesh tape. Apply the tape over the crack, extending it beyond the damaged area. This additional layer provides structural support and reduces the likelihood of the crack reappearing.

Applying Joint Compound: With a putty knife, apply a thin layer of joint compound over the crack and mesh tape. Feather the edges to seamlessly integrate the compound into the surrounding wall or ceiling. Allow each layer to dry completely before applying the next. Multiple layers may be necessary depending on the size of the crack.

Sanding the Surface: Once the joint compound is dry, sand the repaired area. Begin with medium-grit sandpaper to eliminate bumps or rough spots, then switch to fine-grit sandpaper for a polished finish. Wearing a dust mask during this step is advisable to protect against airborne particles.

Priming the Surface: To ensure proper paint adhesion and achieve a uniform finish, apply a coat of primer over the repaired area. Allow the primer to dry completely before moving on to the final step.

Painting the Repaired Area: Match the paint color to the existing wall or ceiling and carefully paint over the primed surface. Feather the paint into the surrounding area to create a seamless blend. Allow the paint to dry thoroughly before assessing the final result.

Preventing Drywall Cracks - Proactive Measures:

  • Invest in Proper Installation: Ensuring that drywall is installed correctly is the foundation for preventing cracks. Adequate framing and joint taping, handled by professionals or reputable contractors, can prevent many potential issues from arising.
  • Maintain Optimal Humidity Levels: Balanced humidity levels in your home are crucial to prevent drywall from becoming overly saturated or too dry. Use dehumidifiers or humidifiers as needed to maintain an ideal environment.
  • Regular Inspections are Key: Conduct routine inspections of your walls and ceilings. Keep an eye out for signs of cracks or emerging issues, addressing them promptly to prevent escalation.
  • Foundation Maintenance Matters: Monitor your home's foundation and address settling issues promptly. Proper foundation maintenance minimizes the risk of structural shifts that can lead to cracks in the drywall.
  • Control Indoor Temperatures: Implement measures to control indoor temperatures, especially in extreme climates. Proper insulation, ventilation, and the use of heating or cooling systems contribute to a stable environment.


In conclusion, mastering drywall maintenance involves both effective repair techniques and proactive measures to prevent cracks. By understanding the causes of drywall cracks and following the step-by-step repair guide provided, you can restore the beauty of your home. Adopting preventive measures such as proper installation, humidity control, and regular inspections will help you maintain a flawless and crack-free environment.

For those facing complex repairs or preferring professional assistance, experienced contractors like Tall Pines Drywall are ready to assist. Based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Tall Pines Drywall offers top-tier residential and commercial drywall installation and repair services. With over 25 years of experience, their skilled team is equipped to handle various drywall challenges, providing efficient and high-quality solutions for homeowners in Winnipeg and its surrounding areas. Remember, a combination of effective repairs and preventive measures ensures the longevity and appeal of your living spaces.